Team Lunette has just released the music video for the song “Oh No I’m getting My Period,” aiming to destigmatize menstruation and put periods in a positive light!
The video, which features Lunette menstrual cups throughout, stars popular New York City rapper Princess Superstar, who openly weaves the traditionally taboo subject matter into the song’s progressive lyrics.
“We are thrilled to be working with Princess Superstar. She’s one of the first female rappers who produces her own music and talks openly about sexuality and self-awareness,” said Lunette team member Cathy Chapman. “She has always said and done what she wants.”

In the 1990s Concetta Kerschner hit the music scene as Princess Superstar. With a sound that is like a psychedelic mix of rap, rock and electronic- she made a steady career performing her sassy lyrics and DJing around the world. These days, Concetta is a working mom. Balancing her “frosh” music career and teaching hip-hop music classes to children while keeping her kid and husband entertained in New York City.
The video, posted to Lunette’s YouTube page, is a stark contrast to how feminine care products are conventionally advertised. We hope that our gloves-off approach will resonate with our fans as we constantly hear that the public is tired of the tip-toe dialogue that makes women feel like they can’t have an open and honest discussion about menstruation.
“We want to break the taboo related to periods,” explained Chapman. “We want to get attention. We want to take the conversation to a new level! We knew that we wouldn't be able to get our pro-period message across with butterflies and girls in white running through a prairie in the spring. That’s why we went with the edgy, rap video. It’s bold, and the lyrics are thought provoking, yet funny.”