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Lunettelle on tärkeää olla mukana tekemässä maailmaa paremmaksi. Olemme alusta asti olleet mukana monissa hyväntekeväisyysprojekteissa.

Emme odota, että maailma muuttuu itsestään. Olemme aktiivisesti mukana rakentamassa kestäviä ja hyviä ratkaisuja parempaan maailmaan. Vastuullinen yrittäminen on oleellinen osa Lunettea. Me haluamme omalla esimerkillämme näyttää, että muutos on mahdollinen.

Myös sinä voit tehdä hyvää! Tutustu hyväntekeväisyysprojekteihimme, lahjoita tai kerro meille, jos sinulla on mahtava seksuaaliterveyteen, kuukautishygieniaan tai tasa-arvon parantamiseen liittyvä idea tai projekti, jossa voisimme olla mukana!


Lunette tekee jatkuvaa työtä parantakseen elinoloja ja elämänlaatua eri puolilla maailmaa. Teemme sitä yhteistyössä erilaisten järjestöjen ja paikallisten kanssa, jotta tulokset olisivat mahdollisimman hyviä ja pitkäaikaisia.

Lunette x Monki x The Cup Foundation

Vuodesta 2017 Lunette on yhdistänyt voimansa vaatejätti H&M:n tytäryritys Monkin kanssa yhteistyössä The Cup Foundationin kanssa. Jokaisesta pinkistä kuukautiskupista lahjoitetaan yksi kuppi projektin kautta haavoittuvassa asemassa oleville nuorille. Tuotelahjoituksen lisäksi nuoret saavat kuukautisterveyskoulutuksen, joka kattaa niin tytöt kuin pojatkin. Kampanja alkoi vuonna 2017, mutta on jatkunut aktiivisesti siitä saakka ja olemme yhdessä lahjoittaneet jo kymmeniä tuhansia kuppeja. 

Lunette ja The Cup

The Cup -järjestö kouluttaa ja voimaannuttaa tyttöjä ja naisia, jotka elävät vaikeissa tai hankalissa oloissa. Järjestöllä on ohjelma, jossa tytöt ja naiset saavat luotettavaa tietoa kuukautisista ja terveydestä – ja tietysti kuukupin, jonka käyttö opetellaan kurssin aikana. Kuukupista on apua, sillä läheskään aina kertakäyttöisiä kuukautissuojia ei ole saatavilla ja siksi kuukautisten aikana jäädään koulusta pois. Kursseilla voi myös puhua vapaasti kaikista seksuaali- ja terveysasioista. The Cup -ohjelma on saanut merkittäviä tuloksia Afrikan toiseksi suurimmassa slummissa Kiberassa, joka sijaitsee Nairobissa Keniassa. Poissaolot koulusta ovat vähentyneet huomattavasti. The Cup ja Lunette ovat muuttaneet jo tuhansien nuorten elämän vuodesta 2015 lähtien, ja työ jatkuu.

Lunette ja Yennenga Progress

Myös länsiafrikkalaisessa Burkina Fasossa koululaiset ovat saaneet lahjoituksena kuukuppeja, heidät on opetettu käyttäämään niitä, ja samalla on varmistettu, että kouluissa on tilat, jossa kupin voi turvallisesti tyhjentää ja puhdistaa. Lunette aloitti menestyksekkään yhteistyö Burkina Fasossa ruotsalaisen Yennenga Progressin kanssa vuonna 2014.

Lunette ja Menstrual Hygiene Management

Lunette MHM -paketti on paikallisten järjestöjen eri puolilla maailmaa käyttämä koulutustyökalu. Pakettiin kuuluu kuukuppi sekä paikallisten järjestöjen jakamaa tietoa tasa-arvoasioista, seksuaaliterveydestä, ihmisoikeuksista, puhtaudesta sekä jätteiden vähentämisestä.

MHM-paketti on työkalu kehitysyhteistyöjärjestölle. Sen sisältämän materiaalin ja koulutuksen tavoitteena on:

  • Sukupuolten tasa-arvon kehittäminen
  • Lisääntynyt koulussa ja työssä käynti
  • Parempi ymmärrys lisääntymisterveydestä ja -oikeuksista
  • Parantunut hygienia ja saniteettiolot
  • Naisten säästöjen kartuttaminen
  • Jätteen määrän vähentäminen


Haluamme kaikessa toiminnassamme ottaa huomioon ympäristön ja muut ihmiset. Tasa-arvo ja mahdollisuus hyvään elämään ovat Lunetten toiminnan ydintä. Ekologisuus näkyy kaikessa, mitä teemme.

Lunetten tuotteet on valmistettu ympäristöystävällisesti Suomessa. Kuukupin käytöstä ei tule jätettä ja kuppi kestää vuosia. Kun se on käytetty loppuun, kupin voi polttaa. 

Lunetten pakkaukset on valmistettu kierrätysmateriaalista ja ne pakataan Tampereella Titryllä, joka työllistää vastuullisesti osittain työkykyisiä ja vaikeasti työllistyviä henkilöitä.

Lunetten toimistossa kierrätetään ja käytetään uusiutuvaa energiaa.


Lunette on paljon mukana erilaisissa tapahtumissa ja hyväntekeväisyystempauksissa. Lunette tukee järjestöjä ja toimijoita, jotka osaltaan edistävät tasa-arvoa ja positiviista suhtautumista kuukautisiin ja seksuaaliterveyteen.

Pride (2018)

Lunette celebrates love and equality for Pride every day, but were able to really support the cause this summer by donating 5 € to Seta for every piece of Pride Diamond Vulva jewelry that was sold in the months of June, July and August.

Lunette x Planned Parenthood (2016 onwards)

Partnering with Planned Parenthood since 2016, Lunette has been excited to get involved through online fundraising events, campaigns and the distribution of menstrual cup education kits. In August 2017, Lunette donated a portion of our menstrual cup sales to aid in the rebuilding of Planned Parenthood clinics that were destroyed by hurricanes on the Gulf Coast. In October 2017, we provided the Planned Parenthood of Los Angeles with over 200 demo cups and other educational materials. In August 2018, we were able to donate 3,000 Lunette Menstrual Cups through online sales for Pride.

Sustainable Period Project (Aus & NZ 2017 onwards)

Teaming up with other sustainable sanitary companies, Lunette is part of the development of SustainablePeriodProject.org. This World First collaboration provides free downloadable presentations, resource kits and education on reusable and sustainable hygiene options to schools in Australia and New Zealand. By the year 2020, Lunette aims to sponsor over 3,500 of the resource kits to be delivered to secondary schools throughout the countries. With nearly 1,000 kits going out in the first six months, the feedback has been overwhelmingly positive as teachers and students learn about their sustainable menstrual care options.

FELM (2018)

Together with FELM, Lunette celebrated International Women’s Day for the entire month of March, donating 1.000 € to FELM’s Botswana project, as well as Lunette Menstrual Cups to two lucky winners every week. Additionally, Lunette will help in raising awareness about women’s rights in schools, government and communities alongside one of FELM’s local partners, the Kagisano Society Women’s Shelter, using Lunette education packs. Not only do these education packs have information on menstrual cup usage, but also dive into equality, human rights, sexual and reproductive health, waste management and hygiene.

Skid Row Carnival of Love (2017 & 2018 & 2019)

A celebration of love and hope, Lunette was thrilled to participate in the Skid Row Carnival of Love in January 2017 & 2018, where we ensured that menstruating people who were experiencing homelessness had access to safe period care products. In addition to product, Lunette was able to provide instruction, education and love.

Consent (2017):

Lunette lahjoitti 10 prosenttia Yhdysvaltojen nettikaupan viikkomyynnistään maaliskuussa 2017 Consent-projektille, jonka tavoitteena on muuttaa nykyinen kulttuuri, jossa raiskauksien uhreja helposti syyllistetään ja seksuaalisesta hyväksikäytöstä ja ahdistelusta vaietaan.

Lunette ja Thinx (2016):

Lunette jakoi vuonna 2016 New Yorkissa kodittomille naisille kuukuppeja ja yhteistyökumppani Thinx alushousuja, jotta heilläkin on mahdollisuus turvallisiin ja hygieenisiin kuukautisiin.

Lunette ja Every Month projekti (2016):

Manchesterissa on projekti, jossa köyhille ja kodittomille naisille jaetaan kuukautissuojia. Lunette lahjoitti projektiin 100 kuukuppia vuonna 2016.

Lunette ja The Red Pump projekti (Joulu 2014):

Yhdysvalloissa on ohjelma, jossa edistetään keskustelua ja tietoisuutta HIV:n vaikutuksesta tyttöjen ja naisten elämään. Lunette on lahjoittanut The Red Pumpille 10 prosenttia Yhdysvaltojen myynnistään kampanjan aikana vuonna 2014.

Muita projekteja:

Red Cross Finland 2017 Cups and knowledge to refugee centers

Seikkailijattaret.fi Latin America 2016 Bicycling tour

Aktiivinen synnytys ry Finland 2016 Cups and support to the organisation 

eXXpedition Amazon 2016 Sail trip on Amazon

Lava Mae USA 2014 Cups and 10% from sales to support work with homeless women 

Women’s Empowering Radio Uganda 2014 Cups and education

Kate Brooks Kenya 2012- Cups and education

Polku laulujen maahan Karelia 2011 

World Vision Finland 2010 Washable pads and education in Kenya, Sook

muut projektit & lahjoitukset.


Kauthar Wangi organised a menstrual cup project SaveGirl with Vantage Foundation in Uganda. Kauthar Wangi is a medical student from Uganda and is working with her organization to share information (and our cups!) to youth in rural Uganda. She's herself also from the countryside so she knows the struggle of going to school and other everyday adversities faced without reliable menstrual hygiene management. Lunette and The Cup Foundation were happy to provide the project with cups and needed educational materials to combat the issues of lacking access to safe and sustainable menstrual hygiene materials.


MYSA is a dedicated menstrual health community, and their mission is to empower young individuals by providing comprehensive support, essential tools, and invaluable resources for navigating their menstrual health journey.MYSA’s community has highlighted their desire for brands that prioritize their health, well-being, and sustainability, so it is important to align with brands that share these core values. We decided to start with a trial run to offer MYSA’s community Lunette Intimate Wipes and seeing what the collaboration might bring.


We were contacted by a NY based community organisation I’mFinna Talk (@imfinnatalknyc) about supporting their 2 year anniversary event. We were happy to donate about 100 of our Intimate Cleansers and Intimate Wipes to be shared at the event We Finna Live, Laugh, Love as a celebration of QTBIPOC community.


Endo Black, Inc. is committed to providing education, advocacy, and support for African American women affected by endometriosis. We sponsored their Endo Black Award Gala with 70+ Lunette Intimate Wipes to share with the attendees.


17th October is the UN’s International Day of the Eradication of Poverty. The theme of 2023 was “Who does the city belong to?”. Last year we donated menstrual cups and cleansers to Artteli - Kumppanuusyhdistysry and this year we decided to donate Intimate Wipes and Intimate Cleansers!

About 100 Intimate Wipes and Intimate Cleansers were donated. In 2023, we donated to two organisations in Tampere, ArtteliKumppanuusyhdistysry and Kaukajärventurvakoti, which both offer local supporting systems – especially to anyone in need.Read more on the annual event: https://asunnottomienyo.fi/


Erasmus Student Network organises POBS-cruises for their students and contacted us for a sponsorship opportunity. We sponsored them with a variety of Lunette products to use as product prices in competitions.


In collaboration with MalawinKummitry we donated 30 cups to young students. Cups and Little Booklets about Menstruation were donated at Bangula Secondary School in Kalambo with help from a local teacher.

LUNETTE X FITPIT (2022-2023) 

FitPit, had previously already done swimming teaching in Zanzibar, Tanzania to help locals, especially women, to learn to swim and connect with the local marine life and ecosystems to help protect the coral reefs and biodiversity. Now they are planning on implementing another project, and asked us to help them address menstruation issues, that came up previously.  

We already donated 50 Lunette Menstrual Cups for the swim instructors and local project participants, and by offering teaching materials and support, we are hoping to work further and to donate more cups to the participants and to break the taboos around menstruation and especially insertable menstrual products.  


City of Helsinki started a project to offer free menstrual products, to address and start conversation around period poverty. They decided to start distributing products for students in four schools, for the duration of three months. The students are able to choose between a supply of disposable pads or tampons and the reusable Lunette Menstrual Cup. 


The Cup Foundation expanded their work to Ivory Coast with a multi-day workshop, in collaboration with Bayer Foundations, and their purpose is to catalyse science and social innovation for a world with Health for All and Hunger for None. The taboos and myths are a barrier to hygienic menstrual management and can also lead to a high number of teenage pregnancies. Ensuring no school days are missed due to periods, and both girls and boys are supported with health information and can focus and finish their studies, is vital for sustainable and inclusive development. All participants received a Lunette Menstrual Cup, with instructions and demonstrations on how to use the cup and discussion to break the taboos around menstruation. 


Lunette has donated menstrual cups, cup cleansers and intimate wipes to collection points for Ukrainian Refugees, through local volunteering groups in different cities in Finland. 


Lunette donated a batch of Lunette Menstrual Cups and cleansing products to an event held by Artteli to help out homeless, houseless or otherwise disadvantaged persons. “Artteli is a non-profit community founded by the people in Tampere. Its aim is to support the wellbeing of the locals. It is an organization that works actively for civil society and the strengthening of people’s welfare together with other organizations and partners. Among them are locals, unions, schools and the City of Tampere.” 


Working together with The Guides and Scouts of Finland, Uganda Scouts Association and Uganda Girl Guide Assoiciation, Lunette participated in the #NoMissedSchoolDays – Project in Uganda! 

Menstruation affects girls school attendance globally, in Uganda World Vision has estimated that even 50% of girls are absent from school due to menstruation. The scouts and girl guides from Finland and Uganda have joined hands to curb this.  

Lunette has contributed to the project by conducting a Tone of Voice –training on inclusive menstruation to the team. Also ‘A buy one give some’ - campaign was held at Lunette, with every tenth menstrual cup donated to the #NoMissedSchoolDays. 50 Lunette cups are ready to be distributed through the SRHR trainings to be held under the #NoMissedSchoolDays in Uganda.  


Working with Femme International and Lund University’s LUCSUS – Centre for Sustainability Studies, we aimed to Empower young women and girls every day of the month.  Past MHM research has overwhelmingly focused on adolescent schoolgirls, leaving a knowledge gap about women between 20-50 years of age. Few MHM studies have been conducted that target the link between health – economy – well-being outcomes. To cover this knowledge gap in developing country context Femme International and Lund University’s Centre for Sustainability Studies, with major funding from Lunette, did a study applying an integrated and mixed methods study approach in Moshi, Tanzania.  

According to the results, an extended menstrual cup use has multiple direct and indirect health outcomes, including reduced incidence of urinary tract infections, bacterial vaginosis and skin rashes, less mental anxiety and higher self-confidence in addition to lowering health care costs, impacting both physical and physiological health. This contributes to women’s ability to fully take part in the working life. Research is required, especially in the global south, where the intervaginal solution is still in many areas considered a taboo and assumed to be unhealthy. With better evidence it is easier for MHM actors to promote for giving menstruators alternatives, including menstrual cups.  

Data analysis from a pilot study from Moshi, Tanzania show that the women using menstrual cups are less likely to report health symptoms such as itching, rashes, pain associated with their periods, while this is more commonly reported among those not using menstrual cups. Laboratory testing also confirmed that menstrual cup users had fewer positive diagnoses for urinary tract infections, as well as lower incidence of bacterial vaginosis, and yeast infections. Result thus indicate that using menstrual cups can assist in reducing menstrual ailments, common to low- income countries.  


Lunette gave menstrual cups to marginalized menstruators – a cup can really make a difference e.g. for a homeless person. Punks With Lunch, a non-profit organization in West Oakland, run by volunteers and dedicated to building community by providing life-saving services, along with harm reduction resources to underserved and marginalized individuals. 


Pelvicus (Pelvicfloor Physiotherapists Association) had a 4-hour webinar hosted and sponsored by Lunette. 

Lunette also applies mutual learning approach for engagement with several Finnish organizations dealing with sexual and reproductive health and rights related topics. Lunette’s expertise is in the taboo free manner of inclusively speaking about menstruation, and of course reusable MHM products. We are always ready to learn more, not least for the menstrual mentors to be able to advice and direct community to the right source of information.   


Lunette has contributed to development of MOONA, an app for recording menstrual symptoms, and which is designed to assist in early detection of gynaecological conditions. The app is owned by Korento. Lunette is part of the steering committee for MOONA. Gynekologinenpotilasjärjestö Korentory, are an association for persons living with gynaecological conditions like endometriosis.


On 11th Oct 2020, the International Day of a Girl Child the Federation of Mother and Child Homes and Shelters, vloggerMaijuVoutilainen and Lunette launched a campaign to support work against gender- based violence. Vlogger MaijuVoutilainen raised conversation on healthy relationships, intimate partner violence and cyberbullying with her followers for five days. At the time Lunette launched, and is till date selling a campaign cup, where 1 EUR is donated to supporting federations’ work. Lunette supported the marketing activities in paid and own channels, and in addition, products were donated to shelters to be distributed to the menstruators. 

TYTTÖJENPÄIVÄ - 11.10.2020  

October 11th was the International Day of the Girl Child, a day for recognizing the challenges facing girls around the world. Girls’ rights were advocated in Lunette social media. In addition to the campaign in Finland to raise awareness on healthy relationships, intimate partner violence and cyberbullying Lunette Australia generously donated 100% of their profits from the day to YWCA Australia - Australia’s leading feminist organization. 


Kaiko Clothing is a Finnish social enterprise with a mission to create fair jobs for Nepalese women. The cashmere collection is made in Nepal following the principles of Fair Trade.  

During Oct-Nov 2020 for every cashmere item sold, one Lunette menstrual cup was donated to Nepal.


The global programme was launched in June 2020 with a goal to normalize conversation about menstruation and periods. Lunette works with passionate period champions from around the world whose mission is to inspire their communities to break the menstrual taboos and 50 inspiring young people were selected.  

The programme includes networking, information sharing, mutual learning, product gifts, earning possibilities.  

More about the programme: https://info.lunette.com/people-for-periods  


Lunette celebrates love and equality for Pride every day, but were able to really support the cause this summer by donating 5 € to Seta for every piece of Pride Diamond Vulva jewelry that was sold in the months of June, July and August.

FELM (2018) 

Together with FELM, Lunette celebrated International Women’s Day for the entire month of March, donating 1.000 € to FELM’s Botswana project, as well as Lunette Menstrual Cups to two lucky winners every week. Additionally, Lunette will help in raising awareness about women’s rights in schools, government and communities alongside one of FELM’s local partners, the Kagisano Society Women’s Shelter, using Lunette education packs. Not only do these education packs have information on menstrual cup usage, but also dive into equality, human rights, sexual and reproductive health, waste management and hygiene.


Project Consent began as a simple statement to open up discussion of a consent-based culture – as opposed to a culture where rape victims are stigmatized and sexual assault is swept under the rug. Lunette Menstrual Cup helped foster this discussion by donating 10% of their US online store profits from March 15th-22nd, so that Project Consent could continue their mission.


As a key sponsor for PeriodCon 2017, Lunette was able to donate products and provide education to young menstruation activists. Lunette’s North American President, Cathy Chapman, brought insight to the importance of menstruation inclusivity, as well as the work that Lunette is doing around the world. Registered in over 230 high school and university campus chapters, Period.org is a youth-run, global organization that celebrates menstrual health through education, service and advocacy, with product distributions that have addressed nearly 400,000 periods to menstruators in need.


We worked with Red Cross Finland in 2017 to provide Lunette Menstrual Cups, knowledge and education about menstruation and correct use and cleaning of the menstrual to refugee centers.


Lunette and Thinx teamed up to provide menstrual cups and Thinx underwear to homeless women in New York. Lunette and Thinx wanted to provide women with the necessary essentials to help them have easier and safer periods.


100 women in Manchester, UK were given a menstrual cup!


We sponsored the Seikkailijattaret.fi Latin America Bicycling tour in 2016.


Lunette partnered with AktiivinenSynnytysry, to offer Lunette Menstrual Cups and support to the organisation.


We supported the 2016 Sail trip on Amazon by eXXpedition.


Lunette started cooperating with the Swedish Yennenga Progress in 2014. Yennenga Progress launched a project to educate the school girls in Burkina Faso, and Lunette provided menstrual cups for everyone. Yennenga staff members educated the girls about cup use and cleaning, and made sure that their schools could offer them a hygienic place to empty and sanitize the cup. Due to the success Lunette and Yennenga Progress had, they have continued their cooperation ever since.


The goal was to open discussion about the effects of HIV and AIDS on women and young girls and to educate them about sexual health. During our campaign, Lunette donated 10% of sales in the United States to support The Red Pump Project.


Lava Mae has been providing support and services to underserved communities in the United States. One of the most prominent actions was providing San Francisco’s unhoused populations a mobile shower and hygiene facilities. We partnered with Lava Mae by providing them with Lunette Menstrual Cups and 10% stake from sales to support the work with homeless women. 


We sponsored Lunette Menstrual Cups and educational materials in Uganda, with the Women’s Empowering Radio.


Working with Kate Brooks, we sponsored Lunette Menstrual Cups and educational materials in Kenya.


Sponsored a biking trip to Karelia, the land of music and songs.


Together with World Vision Finland, we provided washable reusable pads and education about menstruation and other issues, mainly faced by women and girls in Kenya, Sook.