- Most Influential Menstrual Care Business Leader 2023 (Nordics): Heli Kurjanen
- Klarna Growth Awards "small business" winner 2022
- German Sustainability Award winner 2021
- Bäst i Test winner 2020
- Ökotest "very good" 2020
- Life Organic Awards 2020 Russia
- Mumsnet Rated winner 2020
- Year's Best Product by Ruohonjuuri 2020
- Life Organic Awards 2019 Russia
- JCI Ten Outstanding Young Persons of the World (TOYP) - Global shortlisted TOP 20 Issued by JCI (2019)
- Women of Europe Awards 2019 - shortlisted nominee Woman in Business Issued by EMI- European Movement International and the European Women’s Lobby
- JCI Ten Outstanding Young Persons of the World (TOYP) Winner - Finland Issued by Junior Chamber Finland (2019)
- The Woman of the Year 2019 Issued by BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL WOMEN FINLAND Ry.
- "Uudisraivaaja" 2018 National EY Entrepreneur of the Year Award in Finland
- National Entrepreneur of the Year 2017 Issued by Suomen Yrittäjät Ry.
- Juupajoen Vuoden Yrittäjä 2009 Issued by Juupajoen Yrittäjät Ry.
- Pirkanmaan Vuoden Nuori Yrittäjä 2009 Issued by Pirkanmaan Yrittäjät Ry.
The 'Design by Finland' certification proves that our products are created by Finnish designers.
Lunette products have been awarded the coveted Key Flag Emblem, a prestigious certification lauding products manufactured in Finland.
As a certified Period Positive Workplace Lunette offers free period care products to their employees and demonstrates their commitment to gender equality.

Lunette products are registered with The Vegan Society, meaning that they are made without animal by-products or animal-derived ingredients, and are not tested on animals.

Lunette is registered with the FDA. In addition the medical-grade silicone used is FDA approved, hypoallergenic, toxin-free, durable, and not harmful to human tissue.