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Spreading the Cup Love from NYC to LA
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Spreading the Cup Love from NYC to LA

2017 has been a busy and exciting year for Lunette and we can't wait to share what we've been up to!

Skid Row Carnival LA

To start, Lunette president, Cathy, headed out to Los Angeles to participate in the Skid Row Carnival of Love -- a celebration of love where we helped to make sure that underprivileged girls and women had period care products. 

Check out this video (try not to cry from how beautiful it is): 


And some pictures from the event:




Self-Care Faire NYC

Then, in February, we headed to the New Women Space in Brooklyn to take part in the epic Self-Care Faire alongside Babeland and other local artists and makers. This event was all about celebrating the many ways we can care for our selves -- body, mind, and soul.

We had our adorable booth set up, complete with #cuplyfe stickers and uterus pins.

 Our friends from Los Angeles flew out to help with the event. Such a blast!


Cathy (Lunette president), Heli (Lunette founder), and Concetta (Lunette brand manager) spent time answering questions about the Lunette cup and spreading period positivity. 

And, of course, the event wouldn't be complete without some radically feminist vulva cupcakes.


We're so honored to have been a part of the Self Care Faire and the Skid Row Carnival of Love! So looking forward to next year!

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