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9 Reasons Why Your Menstrual Cup Might Be Leaking & How You Can Fix It

9 Reasons Why Your Menstrual Cup Might Be Leaking & How You Can Fix It

Having a menstrual cup is a gift sent from the menstrual gods, but it can be really frustrating having to deal with leaking problems! No one wants to deal with menstrual cup leak, bloody underwear and an emergency bathroom call. Should you lose hope in all menstrual cups? Absolutely not! There are a few reasons we think your cup might be leaking, and we’ll tell you how to fix it!

Do you have the right size cup?

Lunette offers two sizes; Model 1 and Model 2. Model 1 is designed for those with a light to moderate flow, and is a little smaller in size than Model 2, which is for those who have a moderate to heavy flow. It doesn’t matter if you’ve just started your first period ever, or if you’ve had sex, if you have a light flow, Model 1 should feel right for you. Now, if you have a pretty heavy flow and you’re using the Model 1, the reason why you’re leaking might be because you need a bigger cup! Try using the Model 2 and see how that feels. It’s a little firmer, but it will hold more menstrual blood.

You might need to empty your cup more frequently

Although we say you can empty your cup every 12 hours, some people might need to empty it earlier than others. If you have a heavier flow and you’re already using the Model 2, try emptying your cup every 4 or 6 hours to see if that does the trick and stops the menstrual leak!

Locate your cervix

This might sound a little invasive (let’s be real, nothing is invasive for us), but knowing how low or high your cervix is might help you insert your menstrual cup correctly! During menstruation, the cervix may move from its normal position. If you have a low cervix, chances are you might have to cut the stem of your cup in order for it to fit comfortably in your vagina, and if you have a tilted cervix, you might have to tilt your pelvis up and sit back a little more so that you’re not directly inserting your cup straight up. One thing to keep in mind is that your cup might be placed too high and not directly below your cervix, which could result in leakage because blood isn’t able to flow properly into the cup.

If you’re feeling a little curious, locate your cervix when you’re on your period and when you aren’t so you can see if it’s moved around! It should feel like the tip of your nose, in other words…soft and squishy!

After inserting, rotate the cup and pinch the sides to make sure it fully opens

Rotating your cup should become second nature to you soon after inserting your cup! It will prevent those unwanted air pockets and will suction onto the walls of your vagina, preventing menstrual blood from leaking around the cup.

Try a different fold method

The all time favorite C-fold might not be the one for you! It could be causing some air between the cup and the vaginal canal. Try our other folding methods like the punch-down method or triangle fold! We have a handy-dandy how-to video that shows you all the folding methods!

Squat to make insertion easier

Sometimes standing up can be uncomfortable and awkward – try squatting over your toilet or in the shower! As mentioned earlier, it will cause your pelvis to tilt a little, which can make the cup hug the vaginal canal easier.

Every time you poop, you might be pushing it down

This might not be a problem for you, but when you use the bathroom to poop, you’re pushing your menstrual cup down too (especially if you have strong pelvic floor muscles). However, because your cup has a strong suction inside the vaginal canal, it won’t fully come out and fall into the toilet. All you need to do is push it back up a little so it can go back to its normal place. Oh, and don’t forget to wash your hands every time you adjust your cup!

The air holes on your cup aren’t getting cleaned properly

You know those tiny little holes at the top of your cup? Those allow for proper suction inside your vagina. If they are blocked by blood or other bodily fluids, the cup won’t form a proper seal inside, so make sure all four air holes are open and clean every time you rinse your cup!

Try pelvic muscle exercises

If your cup leaks after you have tried all of these tips, the culprit may be your pelvic muscles. If your pelvic muscles are weak, they cannot hold the cup tight against the vaginal wall. The cup usually leaks when you get up from a seated position. Kegel exercises strengthen the pelvic muscles and prevent future problems like urinary leakage.


No one wants a leaky cup, so if these tips helped you in any way, let us know, and if we didn’t mention a solution that’s helped you, also let us know! We want you to feel supported every step of the way on your menstrual cup journey


34 Kommentare zu 9 Reasons Why Your Menstrual Cup Might Be Leaking & How You Can Fix It

  • Lunette Menstrual Mentor
    Lunette Menstrual MentorAugust 01, 2023

    Hi Zainab Ali!

    When the cup is leaking, but it is only half way full when you remove it, typically the culprit is the cervix sitting in the cup. When this happens the cervix takes up valuable space and causes the cup to overflow. It’s normal for the cervix to move during your cycle, and it’s often lowest on your heavy cycle days.

    To fix this try wearing your cup as low as possible. If you have the larger Model 2 cup, the Model 1 cup may be a better fit – we recommend the smaller Model 1 for users with a lower cervix to avoid the leaking. :) If you feel the cup rising up on its own, try this trick to avoid it: when you insert the cup let it open before it is completely inside your vagina, and push it in when it has opened. This way the seal won’t become so strong :)

    To remove the cup always use your muscles to push the cup down (like you’d be pooping) and then pinch the base to release suction. Never try to remove the cup by pulling from the stem alone.

    -Team Lunette

  • Lunette Menstrual Mentor
    Lunette Menstrual MentorJuly 31, 2023

    Hi Zainab Ali! Yes, very important that the air holes are not blocked :)

  • Zainab Ali
    Zainab Ali July 31, 2023

    I would also like to mention that the four holes in the cup is always clean and not blocked

  • Zainab Ali
    Zainab Ali August 01, 2023

    I have been using the menstrual cup for one and a half year..Iwas very comfortable in the initial months but from last few months I am noticing that my cup is half filled or lesser than that but sometimes it leaks and keeps on leaking..on the other hand sometimes it’s absolutely fine.. It’s so frustrating..please tell me the reason

  • Lunette Cup
    Lunette CupMarch 28, 2022

    Hi Bulu Devi,
    sorry to hear that there is some issue with your cup. Are you using a Lunette Cup? If so our menstrual cups should have four air holes. In this case please contact us directly via email or contact form.
    Should you have a cup from another brand we would kindly ask you to contact them as we can only speak for Lunette Cups.
    Best regards, Team Lunette

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